If you have a cockroach infestation at home, one of the fears you have is cockroaches crawling in your mouth. Cockroaches are disgusting creatures, so the thought of them being in your mouth is just horrifying. But did you know that cockroaches are unlikely to crawl in your mouth — even when you are sleeping?
Why cockroaches crawl in your mouth
You don’t like cockroaches. The feeling is mutual because cockroaches don’t like you too. You are a danger to them, so they will stay away from you. This is the reason why cockroaches are not likely to get close to you, let alone crawl in your mouth. With that said, it is still possible. Here are some reasons why cockroaches crawl in human mouths.
- They are looking for food and water. Your mouth is full of resources. It may have food debris and moisture that cockroaches will surely like. But your entire house is full of resources too, so there is no reason to put themselves at risk. They can get the same resources in your kitchen. Cockroaches will only crawl in your mouth if they are desperate, like when there are no resources around or the resources around are not sufficient for their growing nest.
- It’s just an accident. Because cockroaches have no real reason to crawl in your mouth unless they are desperate for resources, having them in your mouth may just be an accident. Flying cockroaches are particularly problematic in this regard. You just don’t know where they are going to land. If you are unlucky enough, they may land in your mouth while you sleep.
- You are near a cockroach nest. The more cockroaches you have in the vicinity, the higher the chances of getting in contact with them, no matter how much you dislike each other. This is bad news if the cockroach infestation is in your bedroom. Check the insides of appliances and furniture, clutter like old magazines and shoe boxes, cabinets, and cracks and crevices on your ceiling and wall.

Dangers of accidentally swallowing cockroaches
Having cockroaches in your mouth is already bad enough, but what if you end up swallowing these creepy crawlers? This can be dangerous because of how bacteria-ridden cockroaches are.
- You can contract dangerous diseases. Cockroaches are disgusting creatures. They nest in the most unsanitary places, so their bodies are dirty. They are also not very picky when it comes to food and even eat the nasty things you can find in your bathroom, so their insides are also full of bacteria. Some of the most dangerous diseases you can get from cockroaches are e. coli infections and salmonellosis.
- You can trigger allergies. Cockroaches are also considered allergen sources and asthma triggers. This is primarily because of the composition of their bodies. Their feces and saliva have specific proteins that can cause allergies and trigger asthma. Look out for the following symptoms —coughing, difficulty in breathing, nausea, skin rashes, or swelling in the mouth and throat. If you experience one or more of these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately. Severe cases of allergies and asthma attacks can be life-threatening.
- You can digest cockroaches properly and be safe from these dangers. The only good news in swallowing cockroaches is that your body is not as helpless as you may think. Your stomach has the necessary acids to properly dissolve cockroaches and the bacteria that come with them. The best-case scenario is you will be completely safe from allergies, asthma attacks, and dangerous diseases. With that said, it’s still not a bad idea to consult a doctor when you think you have swallowed a cockroach, regardless of what you are feeling.

How to avoid cockroaches at night
- Get rid of the cockroach infestation. The best way to prevent cockroaches from crawling in your mouth is to not have cockroaches in your home. The smartest move here is to get the help of pest control professionals. They have the gear, knowledge, and experience to effectively and safely eliminate cockroach infestations. DIY methods may work too, but not all DIY methods you find online work. Even if they do, they may not be potent enough to eliminate entire infestations. They may just kill or repel a few cockroaches here and there, which is useless. If you don’t target the nest, the cockroaches will just replenish their ranks.
- Use insecticides or repellents. If you don’t feel like calling pest control professionals, you can get rid of the cockroaches yourself. There are commercial insecticides you can buy. Make sure to buy those that specifically say they can be used for cockroaches. Read and follow their instructions diligently to ensure their effectiveness and safety. There are also natural repellents you can try, such as bay leaves, eucalyptus, garlic, lavender, lemon, and peppermint. You can spread them around your bedroom to prevent cockroaches from getting near you while you sleep. But take note that these will not get rid of the cockroach infestation in your home.
- Avoid easy access to food and water. The main reason why you have cockroaches in the first place is easy access to food and water. If they can easily find the resources they need in your home, they are more likely to thrive. This is why even clean homes can have cockroach infestations. Cockroaches are not necessarily attracted to filth. They are attracted to the resources. Store your food properly, clean up after eating, and throw away organic clutter to avoid attracting cockroaches.
Cockroaches are not likely to crawl in your mouth
Yes, cockroaches can crawl in your mouth. This puts you at risk of allergies, asthma attacks, and dangerous diseases like salmonellosis. But cockroaches are not likely to crawl in your mouth because you are a danger to them and they don’t want to be near you as much as possible.
However, it can still happen. You can avoid it by getting rid of the cockroaches in your home, using insecticides and repellents, and removing food and water in your bedroom.
How long should it take to eradicate an infestation? I’ve been seven months I live in a six floor high rise with 109 units
Hi Sherry,
Thanks for the question. We have an article on that very subject: https://www.dealwithpests.com/does-it-take-long-to-get-rid-of-cockroaches/
I hope this helps.
Good luck with everything!
Best wishes,
Deal with Pests