
Does Rain Kill Mosquitoes?

Does rain kill mosquitoes? It is an interesting question… Mosquitoes are small flies, and for a mosquito, getting hit by a raindrop is the equivalent of a human being hit by a car! But here’s the surprising thing — the rain doesn’t actually kill mosquitoes.

Relationship of rain and mosquitoes

  • Mosquitoes don’t die in the rain. You may think that mosquitoes don’t die in the rain because of incredible acrobatics and maneuvers. You may think they are dodging raindrops left and right to avoid getting killed. But you couldn’t be more wrong. Mosquitoes are actually hit by raindrops often. And it’s their incredible resiliency and strength that makes them survive the hits. Mosquitoes are very lightweight and have very strong exoskeletons. When they slightly get hit by raindrops in the legs, they spin and rebalance themselves, thanks to their light weight. And when they get a direct hit, they power through the raindrops, thanks to their strong exoskeletons.
  • Rain is actually good for breeding mosquitoes. Mosquitoes thrive in wetlands like ponds, marshes, and swamps. In fact, some rainforests are inhabitable for humans because of how well mosquitoes thrive there. This is somewhat beneficial to the world because mosquitoes prevent humans from destroying rainforests. Mosquitoes thrive so well in wet areas because they breed in stagnant water. The rain makes everything around you wet. And this means that mosquitoes can breed practically anywhere after it rains.
  • Mosquitoes thrive in the rainy season. Different parts of the world experience more rain in certain times of the year. This is because of an atmospheric phenomenon known as the monsoon. During these months, these parts of the world are more at risk of mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases like dengue and malaria. Again, the primary reason for this is that the frequent rains result in more stagnant water. And the mosquitoes use the stagnant water as breeding grounds.
Rain does not kill mosquitoes.

Preventing mosquitoes in the rainy season

  • Get rid of stagnant water and its sources. There are many places around your home where stagnant water can accumulate. Some may be obvious, like the pools of water in your yard. But some are more subtle, like debris with crater shapes where rain can accumulate and stagnate. Other stagnant water sources include birdbaths, swimming pools, gutters, jars, pots, and vases. Make sure to clean them regularly and replace their water. You have to “disturb” them, so mosquitoes have no opportunity to thrive there.
  • Keep your home’s interior clean and comfortable. Your home’s interior also has a lot of places where mosquitoes can breed and thrive. These places are often undisturbed, like the cabinets you ignore, the sides of furniture you don’t clean, and the humid areas below your sink. Make sure to not ignore these small spaces, especially if they are dark and humid. Mosquitoes also like warm environments. If you can keep your home cool with air conditioners or fans, the better. And here’s another fun fact for you — fans can actually blow mosquitoes away. They are great DIY ways to prevent mosquitoes at home.
  • Use commercial products or try DIY solutions. The most common commercial products you can try are insecticides, mosquito coils, mosquito gels, and insect repellents. OFF!® and Repel® are some of the most popular among these repellents. If you want to try DIY solutions, you can try essential oils. Lemon eucalyptus oil is particularly potent. Even the CDC acknowledges its effectiveness. Some popular insect repellent brands also have lemon eucalyptus in their ingredients.

Why you don’t want mosquitoes in the first place

  • Mosquitoes are some of the deadliest animals in the world. Mosquitoes are considered as some of the most dangerous animals in the world, having a kill count in the millions over the course of history. Chikungunya, dengue, lymphatic filariasis, malaria, West Nile, yellow fever, and Zika are some of the deadliest mosquito-borne diseases you can get. Considering this, you don’t want mosquitoes to thrive on your property where they can be near you and your family.
  • Mosquito bites can lead to itching and other more serious complications. When people think of mosquito bites, mosquito-borne diseases are almost always the first dangers they think of. Sure, these diseases are more dramatic and life-threatening. But you shouldn’t ignore the mosquito bites themselves too. Mosquito bites can be very itchy because of mosquito saliva. Itching can lead to scratching. And scratching can lead to wounds and infections. If your mosquito bites are incredibly itchy, there are over-the-counter solutions you can try. Antihistamine medications, calamine lotions, and corticosteroid creams come to mind.
  • Some people are more vulnerable to mosquitoes. Do you notice that some people seem to fall victim to mosquito bites more than others? You are not imagining things. Mosquitoes do have preferences. For instance, some studies suggest that mosquitoes prefer people with the blood type O. Some studies also find that mosquitoes like pregnant women too. Blood type and pregnancy are just some of the many attractors of mosquitoes. Sweat is also a particularly strong attractor. This is why many suggest taking a bath before going to sleep to prevent mosquito bites at night.
The rainy season can make you more vulnerable to mosquito bites.

Rain doesn’t kill mosquitoes

It’s easy to believe that rain does kill mosquitoes. After all, mosquitoes are small animals. Getting hit by raindrops falling at 10 miles per hour seems like a death sentence. But because mosquitoes are lightweight and have strong exoskeletons, they are able to rebalance and power through raindrop hits quite easily.

There is even an argument that the rain is actually good for mosquitoes. The rain makes the surroundings wet, making them perfect breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Areas that suffer from frequent rains are more vulnerable to mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases. But remember that any area can experience rain once in a while. Even if you don’t live in an area with frequent rains, you have to clean your home’s exterior and interior to prevent these dangerous animals from thriving.

No, rain doesn’t kill mosquitoes. But even if it does, you shouldn’t rely on it to get rid of mosquitoes around you. You should be proactive in getting rid of these pests and keeping your family safe from their dangers.

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