
So Many Spiders in the Summer — why is that?

Have you ever noticed that there seem to be more spiders in your home and garden during the summer months? Have you ever wondered why that is? If you have, then read on to find out why there are so many spiders in the summer…

Where there are so many spiders in summer

  • Spiders are insect predators, and many of their prey thrive in the summertime. There are more than 40,000 spider species out there and they have different diets. But generally speaking, the spider diet is mostly composed of insects like ants, cockroaches, flies, and mosquitoes. However, there are certain species that can eat frogs and lizards, especially the larger species of spiders. Because many of these insects thrive in the summer, spiders thrive as well. There are so many insects to feed on.
  • The lack of water may force spiders into your property. Spiders don’t just need food such as insects to survive. They also need water just like any other creature on the planet. Obviously, water can become scarce during the hotter months of the year because of heat and evaporation. The random drops and puddles of water that spiders rely on may no longer be there. And they have to find other water sources. In their search, they may end up on your property. After all, due to modern living, human habitats don’t really experience a lack of water even during summer.
  • Like other creatures, spiders look for shelter against the elements. All creatures have two primary things they need to survive — resources and shelter. Resources are the food and water that keep bodies running. But it’s the shelter that keeps bodies comfortable. Spiders find a lot of shelter opportunities inside human homes. They like the controlled temperature on your property. If it’s too hot outside, like in the summer, spiders may seek shelter inside your home. The same thing happens when it’s too cold outside. Spiders just want a shield against the elements, just like you.
There are so many spiders in the summer because insect prey thrive in this time of year too.
American house spider. Image source: JanetandPhil (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/)

Why summer spiders can both be good and bad

  • Most spiders are venomous. Spiders at any time of the year can be bad news, primarily because most of them are venomous. When venomous spiders bite, they inject venom into you, and your body reacts negatively. Some venomous spiders are more dangerous than others. Some of the most dangerous ones are black widows and brown recluses. Black widow venom is very potent. In fact, a black widow attack can be considered a medical emergency. Brown recluse venom, on the other hand, attacks cells and tissues, potentially leading to necrosis or tissue death.
  • Spiders are not out there to intentionally harm you. Yes, spiders can be extremely dangerous because of their venom. But take note that spiders are not out there to intentionally harm you. Spiders don’t want anything to do with you. As predators, they would rather mind their own business and hunt prey that is smaller than them or that of the same size. Only bloodsuckers like mosquitoes are incentivized to deal with creatures that are much larger than them. Spiders will not attack you if you leave them alone. Many spider attacks happen because spiders retaliate when you accidentally hurt them, like when you squeeze them without knowing they are even there.
  • Spiders are natural pest controllers. Spiders like to eat ants, cockroaches, flies, mosquitoes, and other insects. Do you know what the common denominator is between these insects? They are all house pests. Ants are generally just nuisance pests, but some species, like carpenter ants, can be incredibly destructive. Cockroaches and flies carry disease-causing bacteria. And mosquitoes are some of the deadliest animals on the planet as spreaders of malaria and other diseases. Spiders can help control the population of these insects on your property and limit the risks associated with them.
Black widows are some of the most dangerous spiders out there.
Black widow. Image source: Ken-ichi Ueda (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.en)

How to avoid spiders in summer

  • Get rid of food sources that may attract spider prey. Clean up after eating and make sure your garbage cans are always empty and inaccessible. No, spiders are not necessarily attracted to the food crumbs on your dining table or the leftovers on your garbage cans. They are more attracted to the ants, cockroaches, and flies that these food sources attract. If you attract these house pests, you basically attract spiders as well.
  • Get rid of their shelter opportunities. You control the temperature of your home to make yourself comfortable. But unfortunately, you are not the only one that finds your property attractive. Different spiders like different environmental conditions. Some spiders like black widows prefer dry areas while some like cellar spiders prefer moist areas. This is why you should consistently clean up your home to prevent spiders from becoming too comfortable. Give particular attention to dry areas you don’t always disturb, like the deep ends of your closet, and moist areas that are often left alone — like attics, basements, and crawl spaces.
  • Seal all potential passageways. Having spiders outside your home is actually not that bad. In fact, it can be incredibly beneficial because of how they kill potential pests. The outside of your home can house pests that can become dangerous even when you are inside. For instance, mosquitoes like to breed in stagnant water on your garden, lawn, or yard. And they can just sneak into your home and bite you. That being said, you still don’t want spiders inside your home. Keep them out by covering passageways like doors and windows. Caulk cracks and holes, so spiders don’t go through them. And cut tree branches that touch your home.

Summer should be a time for fun

Spiders thrive in the summer because many of their prey thrive in this time of the year as well. They may also end up on your property as they seek more resources and shelter opportunities that become more scarce the hotter it gets outside.

Summer should be a time for fun activities like going to the beach, having a picnic, and trying something new for a change. Thankfully, there are some simple things you can do to avoid wasting your summer dealing with spiders, such as getting rid of the resources and the shelter opportunities that spiders seek in the first place.

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