
Where Do Mosquitoes Hide During Daytime?

We have all been bitten by mosquitoes… If we are lucky, we are just left with itchy red bumps on our skin. But those of us who are not so lucky can catch deadly diseases like dengue and malaria from mosquito bites.   But have you ever wondered why you seem to mostly get bitten by mosquitoes during nighttime? This is because most mosquito species are not active during the day. So, where do mosquitoes hide during the daytime?

Why mosquitoes hide during daytime

First things first — mosquitoes don’t actually just “hide” during the daytime. Like other insects, they do their usual routine throughout the day. They feed, mate, and sleep. People just assume mosquitoes are “hiding” during the daytime because they seem to bother them less during this time of the day. With that said, here are the reasons why mosquitoes don’t bother us when the sun is still out.

  • The heat during daytime can dehydrate them. Mosquitoes are relatively small insects, just about 0.15 to .4 inches long. Despite their size, they are some of the deadliest creatures in the world because of how effective they are at spreading diseases. But their size also makes them very vulnerable to otherwise harmless weather conditions like heat. The heat during daytime is enough to dehydrate and kill them. This is why they prefer not to move around that much during this time of day.
  • Winds are weaker and more manageable for them during nighttime. Mosquitoes are weak fliers. In fact, you can simply turn on a fan to avoid mosquitoes at night. Even the weak winds of fans are enough to drive these bloodsuckers away. Flying through winds is just exhausting for such small and weak fliers. Winds are weaker and more manageable during the evening, so mosquitoes use this window in time to fly around and look for victims.
  • Some mosquito species are actually active during daytime. Yes, many mosquito species are most active during dusks and evenings, such as those from the genus Anopheles. These are the most dangerous because they are the ones who spread malaria. But there are also species that are actually more active when the sun is out, such as those from the genus Aedes. These mosquitoes are the ones who spread dengue, chikungunya, and Zika. You shouldn’t think you are completely safe from mosquitoes just because it is daytime.
Mosquitoes hide during daytime because they don't like the heat and wind.

Where mosquitoes hide during daytime

Mosquitoes will settle in areas they find safe. But what is “safe” for mosquitoes? You can say an area is safe if it will shield them from heat and wind. This is one of the reasons why mosquitoes thrive in damp areas like ponds, rainforests, and swamps. In fact, mosquitoes thrive in such areas so well that humans can’t even inhabit some parts of the world because of mosquito populations.

But mosquitoes are much closer to you than you think. In human habitat, they can thrive on areas with stagnant water, such as those you can find in the following:

  • Birdbaths
  • Craters in the soil
  • Debris like old tires
  • Flower pots
  • Fountains
  • Garden ponds
  • Gutters
  • Pavements
  • Rainwater barrels
  • Swimming pools
  • Vases
  • Water bowls for pets

During daytime, you can also find mosquitoes resting under shades, such as in the undersides of leaves. To avoid sheltering mosquitoes on your property, make sure you don’t have stagnant water where they can breed and debris or unkempt greenery around your garden, lawn, or yard where they can rest.

Why mosquitoes bite in the first place

Do you know that only female mosquitoes bite? Male mosquitoes don’t even have the stingers necessary to pierce through your skin. Female mosquitoes bite you not because they need your blood for their own nutritional needs. They bite you because your blood has the ingredients necessary for the development of mosquito eggs. Yes, mosquitoes are using your blood to make more mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes will actually prefer to bite smaller victims. But since they are often close to human habitation, there is no one else to bite but you and your family. This puts you and everyone you love at risk of mosquito-borne diseases.

You should also not underestimate the complications associated with the mosquito bites themselves. When mosquitoes bite you, they leave some of their salivae behind. Their salivae contain proteins that can trigger allergies. Though allergies are rare, they still happen, and they can be life-threatening if you experience difficulty in breathing and swelling in the throat. If you experience these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.

Mosquitoes bite you because they need your blood for their eggs.

How to avoid mosquitoes

Mosquitoes have a clear reason to bite you. They essentially need you for their survival. But you don’t need to fight this battle forever. Here are some things you can do to get rid of these mosquitoes and be safe from the dangers associated with them.

  • Maintain the cleanliness of your home, both inside and outside. Mosquitoes thrive in dark and damp places. Unfortunately, there are a lot of spots inside and outside of your home with these characteristics. Such places are the awkward sides of furniture you don’t disturb, the cabinets you don’t really clean, the sinks that are always moist, and the areas with stagnant water outside your home that have been mentioned earlier. If you prevent mosquitoes from thriving on your property, you also minimize the risk of dealing with them.
  • Make yourself unattractive to mosquitoes. You are automatically at a disadvantage if mosquitoes find you attractive. Make yourself unattractive to mosquitoes by getting rid of the attractors —carbon dioxide, dark clothing, and sweat. You can’t really get rid of carbon dioxide because you exhale it. But you can avoid dark clothing and sweat by wearing light-colored clothes and regularly taking a bath, especially during nighttime. It also helps applying mosquito repellents, such as those with DEET.
  • Use commercial products but avoid bug zappers. Mosquito repellents are not the only products you can use against mosquitoes. You can also use insecticides. Make sure to use those that specifically say they can get rid of mosquitoes. And read the instructions carefully before spraying them around your home. This is to ensure their effectiveness and safety. Many people also use mosquito traps to get rid of mosquitoes. But not all of them are effective. For instance, bug zappers kill other insects, including those that are beneficial to your vicinity. Use mosquito traps at your own risk.

Get rid of mosquitoes now

Mosquitoes hide during the daytime because they don’t like the heat and wind conditions when the sun is still out. However, there are some mosquito species that are active during the daytime too, so don’t think you are completely safe from these dangerous insects during the daytime.

Mosquitoes can be dangerous at whatever time of day. Get rid of them now by keeping your home clean, getting rid of mosquito attractors, and using commercial products specifically designed to combat mosquitoes.

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